Tale of The Forlorn Yacht

Not so long ago, in a town far, far away in upstate New York some may say. Away in a dark, dank domicile a forlorn little yacht lay. Long forgotten by her maker, she laid in wait for someone to take her.

This journey starts with a simple ad in the local Craigslist that stated 
"Get Me Out Of Here! Any offers considered." Or something to that effect. Thus starting a process we may all regret.

Spying this site from many states away in search of antique boats for which to play. Mr. E reached out to heed the call. Emails would come, emails would go, for weeks it seemed, with nary a call. Then one fateful night Gordon did call but it was not as easy as this at all. Not convinced his heart was true, more pleading he must do.

Then came a call from Marguerite it seemed Mr. E might have the boat of his dreams. Plans were laid, negotiations were made, and soon a deal was struck. Reaching into his coffers he made her an offer of $500 bucks. Fearing the boat would soon be moved by someone else in not such a giving mood, he feared it would be met with an untimely demise. He begged his faithful companion to come see it with her own eyes.

More to come. . . 


Maggid said…
yippee! Hey, i like the new blog.
Rhonda said…
And the Saga begins! Can't wait to watch the changes!
This N That said…
Good luck with her..both of them!!
Laurel Wood said…
Oh how fun. I have enjoyed catching up on your progress. ME 🦋

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